This work is incredibly important to me, as I know first hand the power in compassion.
The simple act of listening and providing space for someone who is at the end of their life can be the difference between a difficult death and a peaceful one.
Holding our loved ones through their fear, hurt and pain as well as their happiness, joy and love tells them we are willing to meet them exactly where they are at and with this often comes a sense of relief.
Death comes to us all and I believe that by saying hello to this inevitability we are subtly providing space for the experience to be a peaceful one throughout life and perhaps more importantly at the end of life, because we all matter, right to the end. If you feel called to find out more, you will find my Instagram page by typing in @soul_doula_sarah, alternatively, feel free to give me a call or text on 07702196688.
Perhaps you too feel called to this work but don’t know where to begin, I also offer a completely free discovery call to help guide you towards this path. See more details below.